Thursday 7 January 2010

Boat To 2010

Happy new year :)

us rowers hope you've had a productive start to the year, I'm managing to stick to my 20 press ups a night in my bid to keep fit and reading more! Rosie's Grandparents gave a me a £10 WHSmiths voucher that i bought a new book on classic poems called 'Poems for Life' by selected Laura Barber, so that's keeping me thoughtful and content in this post white christmas backdrop.

I have began recording again for the first time since the summer, which excites me a hell of a lot! 6 new songs are being tracked and will be released by Danger! Lazer! Phaser! Razor!

this excites me very much, so keep checking back for a date and sneak previews.

so yeah, recording and writing is going well i just can't wait to get it out there.

Today has been great...freeeeezing...but great. Myself, Trav and Laura went out into the snowy fields of Fillongly and shot a video for a new song of mine called Higham Hill. Pretty off the cuff but amazingly fun, it's something we've wanted to do for a while and with the snow finally landing in Warwickshire we had to drop and go and it was perfect, can't wait to see the end project, check Trav's stuff out

On a sad note my car is dying, slowly and painfully with every winter night that passes. today i have sadly lost a passenger seat door handle and my original set of car keys (snapped in the door)

Rupert my dear friend, together we can fight the cold.

if Rupert can hold out i will be playing at these dates:

January 9th @ the Railway Tavern, Nuneaton
January 13th @ the Bulls Head, Birmingham w/ Ali Forbes (maplas) & LIttle Palm
January 23rd @ Charmelon, Nottingham w/ Sharp Knees & Bagheera
January 27th @ Packehorse, Leeds w/ Felix
January 28th @ Hare & Hound, Birmingham w/ The Boy Who Trapped The Sun & Ness Parava
May 12th @ Lee Rosy's, Nottingham w/ Hungrytown

take care reader x